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About Ambassador Delphine Thomas

To The Nations

This Is How Our Story Began



       Beloved, Jesus Christ has given me an mandate of a clarion call across the nations. God has given me...  A Vision for His people. The Lord told  me to cast my net upon many waters, And that water is many Nations . God has chosen me for a Great Commission of Jesus Christ. I have no choice in the matter for I am an Ambassador of Jesus Christ . I was bought with a price that my Father in Heaven paid. He allowed me to suffered long for the Journey that He has commission me to do. The Anointing that is upon my life, God place it there to change the atmosphere, that Miracles , Signs, and Wonder shall follow me all the days of my life, to bring Healing , Deliverance and Restoration to Mother and Nurture And Birth Out Priest and Priestess (KINGS) SONS, and (QUEENS) DAUGHTERS... His chosen generation. To raise up God Army and take God children back by force out of the hands of the enemy. I am walking at Jesus Christ The Anointed One command. I am not of my own. This is a Mighty Journey that My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has trust me with. God said NOW IS THE TIME FOR ME TO Rise UP FROM BEHIND THE MOUNTAINS AND COME FOURTH IN HIS MIGHTY POWER... THE REMNANT! I am humble before my Father for this Great Commission. As I Journey across God nation, I bless The Lord all the days of my Life that I will obey Him as He already instructed me to do for His people. I am a Women of God That walk by Faith and not by site. My eyes is fixed on the FIRE and not on  the smoke. I have given a deaf ear to satan. He is a defeated foe and he is powerless. With that being said  there is so much more that is coming and as His CHOSEN DAUGHTER OF JUDAH ! I am a four runner on the front line of PRAISE ! ITS TIME TO WAR ! People of God Pray that God Mission will reach the four corners of the earth ! The Bible says beloved that For unto whomsoever much is given of him shall be much required,... Luke 12:48. And God has train me in many area of warfare. I extend my love and bowels of compassion to everyone all over God NATION to every race color and creed. For God so loved the world that He gaven His Only Begotten Son, that whosoever beliveth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16 , GOD IS LOVE .... +ADT                                                                                          

And the Lord answered me and said write the vision and make it plain upon tables so he may run that reads it...

                                                   Habakkuk 2:2


Meet Our Team Leader



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Ambassadors Mentored By Apostles Shaping Shifting After Deliverance Obtaining Restoration 


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Ambassador Delphine Thomas Intl Mins. , Inc. Address:

PO Box 56571 Jacksonville Florida 32241


(904) 405-9512

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